Examine this enigmatic, entropic entry:
An asinine attempt at alliteration.
This fantastic failure of fickle fiction
shall slowly suck succulent seconds
from lives of the little learned.
a dear friend and i have decided to write again. in an effort to get our creative juices mutually flowing (skip past the innuendo and move on to the meat, yeah?), we've decided to co-author a blog and fill its, er, electronic pages with our work. however, to make things interesting and challenging, we have to abide by the following rules:
the rules:
1 creative entry per week (7 days) minimum
said entry must be new, and never before published
said entry cannot be a review of any sort
said entry may have no minimum, or maximum number of words
old entries can be published provided that an introduction with dates is included before the main body of the work.
failure to write a new entry as defined above will result in penalty for the offender in the form of treating the non-offending co-author to a meal, with drink of course.
creative criticism and other forms of comments are welcome.
an interestingly inspired inconsistency :)