Wednesday, June 9, 2010

she updates her status quite sparingly. and though i know i shouldn't care, i still can't avoid being updated.

it was decided that, in an effort not to weird the world out and to make things low key, that no unfriending would occur.

the change of status, however, affected more of my friends than it did myself.

"... is single" generated more comments than any of the ridiculous posts that either of us used to make (with the exception of the scandalous ones of friends i'm sure). i would've spent an entire afternoon replying to "what?"s and "what happened"s and "oh no! are you ok"s had i not the presence of mind to just ignore it all.

when you ignore it, it doesn't happen. close your eyes. the world stops turning. if you manage to forget it at all, you get to start anew.

but the quiet throb of the battered and broken heart, yet unstilled, continues on.

each new lone entry, each update, spoke to me: titles of songs (silent digs at my failings), words of exasperation (surely aimed at me). and then ...

"... is in a relationship."

and then nothing. a long string of nothing. not even a mafia wars update.


close your eyes. parang kagat lang ng langgam yan.


  1. nice. :) It captures the frustration and the disconnect that one goes through when faced with this dilemma on a social networking site. (ahem, ahem.)

    just one thing though. it assumes too much that the reader is familiar with fb or whatever social networking site.

  2. still painful to read! good good!
