Saturday, February 5, 2011

If only

if only i'd met you sooner
i wouldn't be as jaded as i am today
i wish i could turn back the hands of time
to a time and place
when i had half the experiences i have now
and met you then,
my innocence would have been your glory
my childlike curiosity would have been
more easily sated and subdued than it is now
this thirst for adventure would not have been so curbed
nor skewed to irrational extremes

if only i'd known you sooner
my life would have been less complicated
by the savage twists and turns,
it would have been less riddled
with ruts and scars strewn here and about
i would have been more perfect
more suited for your kind of living,
your kind of loving

but things are irrevocably what they are
i am the product of things
that have come to pass,
made all the more complex
by what i've been through
yet everything that has happened
has brought me infinitely closer
to where i am now,
to where you are,
to where we now rest
and i wouldn't have had it any other way.

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