Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Today I swore I'd forge a path anew
because it's our anniversary,
and anniversaries are meant to celebrate
momentous occasions.

It started out as a decision to build my life with you
which due to life's enigmatic twists and turns
truly happened and truly didn't.

We dreamed of different things,
I see it more clearly now.
You, of having a family and
I, of going against the grain.

But here we are,
me, beat up by the odds
and you, well,
probably still dreaming of a family
you'll have one day
that will now be possible
because of the steps you've taken
these past months.

Because it's our anniversary,
I walked when I should have taken the bus.
I dwelt with the cold when I should have taken refuge in warmth.
I had my hair chopped off, for I was looking for a change.
I raise my glass and drink to our good health,
and our futures that grow further apart from each other
with each passing day.

Happy anniversary darling,
here's hoping a couple more shots
will finally help me forget about you.

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