Whenever I attempt to put into writing
what a world with you in it has come to be,
a whole slew of words come charging at me.
Wrestling amongst themselves,
they struggle to best each other
in encapsulating the breadth and width
of the wonder that is you, the mystery that is us.
Chaos ensues even before I set my pen upon paper,
and scribble these thoughts as quickly as they come.
But even when I have set ink against the smooth white surface
of my trusty notepad, I hesitate and reconsider,
hastily blotting out what had previously been set
and at the end of the day, have a huge blob of ink sitting
where a bit of prose may have been found.
Forgive me then if I dabble in my books and imaginary castles
for words are all I have in this perpetually shifting world
to capture the precise moment
we chose to embark upon this adventure.
For if I cannot set it into words, what then?
Many have gone before us
and attest to the harsh, brackish waters to come
yet also hold testament to the majestic beauty of places
unsullied by previous encounters.
My heart tingles with trepidation
(in part because of the uncertainty
that lies ahead, but mostly because
it is fortified by the confidence of your warmth),
as we forge ahead, hand in hand,
foolhardy half-wits possibly doomed to impending folly
yet utterly satiated.
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