Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Wanderer's Thoughts

**did you guys ever read the Host? mas maka relate kayo if you have. hehe. But read this all the same. I hope I've done the character justice somehow.

This is all I can offer,
take it away,
this grieving heart,
and rend it to pieces
while you’re at it
for if you can bear to suffer through
this then surely, you’ll understand.

Is this what it means to be human?
To experience the depth and breadth
of what being flesh and bones entails?
No wonder you aren’t so civilized.
Unlike us sentient beings, who
persist in your consciousness
because of your stubborn resistance
(or is it reluctance, I wonder?)
to changes that are instituted for your own good,
so your species may thrive for another
thirty, or even a hundred more years.
Yours is a world much younger than
most others, I fear.
Would you know how to nurture
and care for it, long after we have gone?

And yet

And yet there is this
abstract idea called love.
I’ve yet to understand how it works.
It gives you strength when you are weak,
pushes you on when you’ve lost all else,
drives you to go beyond what you are capable of.
Such a beautiful, altruistic potential,
yet gruesomely ugly at times
for it can push you to hurt numbers
even when you are protecting others,
it can even drive you towards violence
if it would mean salvation for a precious few
for it is all that matters, it seems,
and that is all that matters now.

So here I am, a sentient being
trapped in this human shell
that loves not one, but many others.
Will they see the love I have for them
in my sacrificing myself tonight?
I have no idea, no qualms whatsoever.
For if it will be for their survival, their happiness
then that will be all that matters.

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